Tuesday, December 14, 2010

macaroon | box

French macaroon with chocolate cream.
3rd attempt, the previous two has failed, epic fail.


naff said...

b. sape buat macaroon ni?

Sharul Bee said...

yup, its me .
somewhere around late 2009 i start
to bake . sgt2 best , enjoying the process , and eating it too.


naff said...

wah. gle hebat u b. i pernah read somewhere yg macaroon ni sgt2 tedious utk dibuat.

u jual ke?

Sharul Bee said...

aa'a.. mmg takes a lot of time nak buat macaroon nih, nak aged egg white la, nak rest batter die la, tp berbaloi..huhu

nope, x jual, box tu saje je design2, still can separate myself wit designing stuff .
btw, ni blog baru aku, juz for design... http://sharulbeecreativebox.blogspot.com

have a look.

penadoll said...

beee. nak rase!!!!

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